lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

Michelangelo y su obra (parte 3).


Complejo arquitectónico de la Basílica de San Lorenzo, Florencia, Italia.
Foto: Richardfabi, 2005.

Durante el año de 1516, llegó otro gran proyecto: Miguel Ángel tomaría parte en el diseño y en la decoración del complejo arquitectónico de la Basílica de San Lorenzo, en Florencia. Para ello, había que postergar los trabajos de la tumba del Papa Julio II, ¡otra vez!  Ese era un destino, que parecía perseguirle por dondequiera... En esta ocasión, los vaivenes y turbulencias de la política, influirían, para que a fin de cuentas, también debiese abandonar Florencia, en 1534, frustrado al no ver concluida su obra. De cualquier modo, quedaría tras de sí, la señal inconfundible de su genio. 

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2020

Rome, the eternal (part 5).

San Bonaventura Church. Palatine Hill, Rome.
Photo: Jean-Paul GRANDMONT, 2011. Lic. CC BY 3.0

Times would come, when the Roman throne was occupied by Etruscan personages. This might be a hint, that Rome was on a disadvantageous situation, maybe as a result of a military defeat. But, there is no evidence about this, in its historians´ writes. Is well known their trending to manipulate and mythicise the facts, to glorify the past of the city... they attempted to keep its aura of greatness. Hence, their narrations from the early times, are plentiful in fantasy descriptions and Roman virtue lessons.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2020

Rome, the eternal (part 4).


Ruins of Pompei. Photo: Daniel Delgado, 2010.

Among the basic objectives, in the study of the events of the past, is the correct interpretation of the available data. It permits an increase in the probability to get closer to the historical truth. Of course, most of the time is not an easy task. It may happen the same as the Ancient Egypt: plenty of clues, but difficult to understand. Or as the Sumerian, with their history buried under tons of sediments. Perhaps, by chance, as it happened with Pompei. What to say about Troy and its discovery, by someone who believed in Homer´s legends? But it is also possible to face hard to solve riddles...