martes, 31 de diciembre de 2024

The life of Lope de Aguirre. A short biography (part 2).


Lope de Aguirre. By Daniel Delgado, 2020.

Many things have been told about Lope de Aguirre. Once, he was sentenced to be flogged at the main square. It was a huge mistake. A man like him, would rather have been killed, than put to a public shame. For three years, he silently went after the responsible of his anger and never rested till the day he stabbed the man to death. However, the grudge seemed to stay in his heart for the rest of his life. Afterwards, he endured the hazardous fugitive way of life, until he showed up at the Cusco city, in 1552. Aguirre participated into a revolt against the Viceroy of Peru. There, he was involved in the murder of the governor, Pedro de Hinojosa. This time, he got a death sentence, but it was commuted, on one condition. He must stand with the Viceroy, against the Hernandez Giron´s rebellion. But in the middle of a combat, one of his legs resulted badly wounded. Crippled and poor, his future looked anything but promising...

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2024

Grandes exploraciones. La Terra Australis Incognita y los viajes del capitán Cook (6a parte)

El capitán James Cook. Por Nathaniel Dance-Holland, 1775.
Museo Marítimo Nacional, Londres.

En el segundo de sus viajes, James Cook había podido dejar en claro, que la existencia del misterioso gran continente austral no era más que una fantasía. Por otra parte, durante su largo recorrido, había establecido con precisión las coordenadas de numerosas islas y archipiélagos. Gracias a él, la cartografía del Pacífico sur, comenzó a asentarse sobre bases reales y prácticas. Además, el conocimiento de sus habitantes, la fauna y su flora, vinieron a enriquecer los estudios etnográficos, lingüísticos y de las ciencias naturales.